Friday, June 17, 2011

Who is this guy?

I had an eye... using which I saw all good and bad things through it...
I have a brain... that learnt whats good and whats bad from that guy...

I went school... this guy pushed me into the school... and just turned back with little tears in his eyes...

My first day at school was miserable... at the day end... I saw that person standing at the gate waiting for me to arrive...

He picked up me on his bicycle and asked how was the day... I just said I hate you...
He smiled and said thats what I expected... I said sorry and explained what happened on whole day..

Again next day came, I again started blaming him not to drop me to that hell... but he again forcefully dropped me there...

Second day I found few friends... again day ended, but with little smile... on the faces of both me and that person...

We went home enjoyed few months... and time came... EXAMINATIONS!!! again he dropped me to the school and wished me good luck... I was angry... coz I hated exams...

Exams are over, its time for results... and surprise!!! I was passed... but just passed!!!
Mother can not tolerate anything less... then this guy came and signed on the progress card...
and gave a tight hug, saying... no worries... this is the life... and be tough to face anything... and be soft for whatever you love...

I responded to him... saying, I love you but I was tough, hard and quarreling with you most of the times... then whatever you said is totally wrong... I can not be so soft with one I love most...

That cool, decent, handsome, smart and intelligent guy said...

"Dude, thats why I am called as FATHER, DAD, APPA, PAPA, NANA, DADA..."

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